
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

I hope you find this collective and personal insight helpful. If you love the content, please share it with some friends! Showing your support by sharing my means more than you know💜.

Let’s connect on Insta :), I want to meet my tribe!
xX, Stephanie

One Year of Self Care Every Damn Day

One Year of Self Care Every Damn Day


(and 2 days) since I’ve started Self Care Every Damn Day. Guys, I’m feeling alllll the feels. Mainly because this blog came to me during the thick of my own healing and it has evolved to be my main source of happiness, retreat and release whilst helping others understand their own thoughts and feelings through expanding their self-awareness.

I hope by now everyone knows that social platforms are in fact highlight reels… last year was literally the hardest year of my life. I lost A LOT. What I mean by that is… my life basically fell apart on every level, lmao.

My losses made me realize that I was stagnant in just about every aspect of my life and that I had been living a life that was SO out of alignment with who I am.

I was in a corporate job surrounded by older men in one of the most limited/toxic environments I’ve ever been in.

The love I was chasing made me neglect my own values, needs and worth. And there were changes for my family. That’s all y’all need to know, lmao.

I lost a lot, but I also learned SO much about myself- my values, purpose, vision, needs, beliefs, fears, gifts, worth, boundaries (so fcking important), who I want to surround myself with and who I want to become. I learned patience (the hard way), how to surrender and let go (also the hard way), but most importantly… how to trust — that everything is happening exactly as it should and that the hardest obstacles throw you down in order to >wake you up< to rebuild and redirect yourself to something greater or to find your purpose. I deeply believe that.

I want to thank every single person who has reached out and encouraged me to continue this path and for sharing your thoughts & stories with me. You have no idea how much those connections/conversations mean to me and I’m so grateful for the space that has allowed me to create and play where others feel seen, heard and understood.

I hope to continue creating a community that enjoys expanding their own awareness and in turn, learns about themselves and others💕.

With love and gratitude,

Stephanie Daily

Read This When You Are Beginning To Really Like Someone

Read This When You Are Beginning To Really Like Someone

How to Move On Without Closure

How to Move On Without Closure

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