
Hey! I’m Stephanie.

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xX, Stephanie

Drunk Munchies, Hangovers and How to Avoid Them!

Drunk Munchies, Hangovers and How to Avoid Them!

Late night Taco Bell, pizza delivery, Cali burritos, Postmating and leftover-ANYTHING. We’ve all done it. If you haven’t, I don’t trust you, lmao.

So why do you binge eat after a night out? Is it to avoid the hangover?

When alcohol is consumed, especially in excess, people lose their inhibitions. When (highly) intoxicated, you don’t have the ability or patience to check in with your body and ask “Am I hungry or am I craving?" Here is a way to answer this every time: Ask yourself “Am I hungry enough to eat a salad?” If the answer is no, you are just craving a Cali burrito or Taco Bell’s Fiesta Potatoes (I highly recommend these if you’re on this mission). No judgement, El Pueblo knows me by name, courtesy of my 3 AM guest appearances.

I know plenty of people that swear by eating before hitting the pillow after a night of heavy drinking. When I’m with these people, sometimes I cave because, lol, Cali burritos - extra salsa verde, please. I am here to letcha know that GREASY FOODS DO NOT AID NOR DODGE A HANGOVER. The alcohol is already in your bloodstream and depending on how much you drank, the damage has been done. Grease does not “absorb” the alcohol. But you know what does push it out? Water and electrolytes.


This is why you think you feel better after bingeing/brunching with no regrets:

When you eat sugary/ overly fatty foods, a chemical called dopamine is released into your brain. This chemical has the effect of convincing you that your Postmated breakfast burrito and French toast just saved your life. FYI… Dopamine is also known as the pleasure chemical. I think we can all agree that on an any average day, eating sugary/ overly fatty foods do more harm than good.

Hangovers Are Caused by Two Things:

- Dehydration

- Consuming TOO MUCH

Don’t Knock It ’Til Ya Try It

Anyone that knows me, knows that I SWEAR by water as the solution to just about everything: Too drunk? Drink water. Acne? Drink water. Headache? Drink water. Trying to lose weight? Drink water. Getting sick? Drink water. Screwed over? Drown them. I’m kidding— but you get the point! I try to drink at least a gallon a day. (I promise anyone can do this — I’m 4’ 11”, so once again, it’s a thing and its very doable.)

Ways to Avoid a Hangover:

- Remain well-hydrated days before your planned alter-ego debuting. Check out the website below to see how much water you should be drinking 😁.

- ALWAYS eat a meal with protein and healthy fats BEFORE drinking. This will help slow the rate of alcohol absorption.

- Chug two water bottles before bed, I can guarantee you’ll be too full to answer Postmates at the door.

- Know your limit 🙃.

- Electrolytes. Nope, I’m not just talking about Gatorade and Pedialyte. Electrolytes are, in short, electrically-charged ions (sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium).

If you are face-to-face with the beast of all hangovers, try replenishing with the following healthier (and more effective) options😁:

- Coconut Water

- Water

- Broth-Based Soups (PHO!!!)

- Veggie/ Meat Omelet

- Avocado Toast with Eggs

- Greek Yogurt

- Berry Smoothies

- Fruit (Bananas, Melons, Oranges)

- Banana & Almond Butter Toast

- Oatmeal

Water Intake Calculator

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